
The free secure messaging solution for healthcare professionals

Join over one million healthcare professionals on Doctolib Siilo for secure, efficient communication and seamless care coordination. With its intuitive design and the highest standards of data security, Doctolib Siilo ensures you can manage patient care and discuss complex cases with confidence.

Doctolib Siilo in Europe

Professional users at our side
Messages sent to Doctolib Siilo
Care organisations in Europe

Doctolib Siilo Messenger

Doctolib Siilo Messenger* is free to download and user-friendly, allowing healthcare professionals to securely connect and communicate without compromising patient data.

*Also available with the desktop and web version.

Siilo for Organisations

Sillo for Organisations is a tailored solution for organisations and associations, offering a secure, closed network where members can communicate, connect, and collaborate securely with one another

Get started with confidence

Seamless onboarding, secure communication, and reliable support every step of the way.

Data security guaranteed

With the increasing prevalence of commercial messenger apps in clinical settings, it’s more important than ever to keep patient data safe when communicating.

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We’re here for you

Our teams are here to guide you. From onboarding to daily use and beyond, we support you every step of the way to ensure a smooth and efficient experience with Doctolib Siilo.

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From you to us: discover inspiring stories from healthcare professionals using Doctolib Siilo

  • Wit-Gele Kruis Oost-Vlaanderen shares their experience: ‘Doctolib Siilo is indispensable in our care’

    In home care, everything revolves around speed, precision, and collaboration. That is exactly what Doctolib Siilo means for Wit-Gele Kruis Oost-Vlaanderen.

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Trusted by renowned institutions across Europe

Blackrock Clinic3
St James Hospital logo 2020