Études de cas

Le Wit-Gele Kruis d’Oost-Vlaanderen partage son expérience : « Doctolib Siilo est indispensable dans nos soins »

Dans les soins à domicile, tout repose sur la rapidité, la précision et la collaboration. C’est précisément ce que représente Siilo pour le Wit-Gele Kruis.

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Consultez nos études de cas ci-dessous

Les soirées de cas Siilo : une plateforme unique d’apprentissage et de collaboration.

Ces sessions rassemblent 26 chirurgiens orthopédiques qui examinent ensemble des cas complexes déjà partagés sur la plateforme.
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Communication sécurisée et rationalisée avec les médecins en formation

Pour rationaliser et faciliter cette communication, le Dr. Bart Poppe a pris l’initiative, il y a cinq ans, d’utiliser Doctolib Siilo.
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Des carnets de notes à une plateforme de communication efficace : ZorgConnect fait confiance à Doctolib Siilo

ZorgConnect rassemble plus de 700 prestataires de soins de santé indépendants en Flandre dans un environnement sûr et accompagné.
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Le service de soins à domicile OptiCare communique de manière fluide et sécurisée grâce à Doctolib Siilo

OptiCare est la force motrice de quelque 100 infirmiers à domicile indépendants actifs dans toute la Flandre.
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Why doctors in Celle are now chatting

Interest in digital exchange has increased among physicians, but in the outpatient setting, it often comes down to casual contact.
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Pourquoi les médecins de Celle utilisent-ils la messagerie instantanée ?

L’intérêt pour l’échange numérique s’est développé parmi les médecins, mais dans le cadre ambulatoire, il se résume souvent à un contact occasionnel.
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From four to one hour

Esma Kaya, an experienced nurse, and elderly care assistant in The Hague, is excited to share her experience of how Siilo has improved her work life.
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Siilo simplifies communication at Dermatologikum

A large part of the employed Dermatologikum specialists downloaded the app within only two weeks and now use it as their first digital communication channel.
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Interview with Tobias Engl

Prof. Dr. Felix Chun discusses how Siilo has helped expand his referral network and lower the communication threshold with referring physicians.
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Streamlined and Integrated Care at Rivas Care Group

Project Lead Bregje van den Heuvel: Many colleagues were already using Siilo. The logical question was: how can we use the app even more efficiently?’
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KRH Hannover adopts Siilo for real-time internal communication

Klinikum Region Hannover (KRH) is one of the largest municipal clinic groups in Germany and the largest provider of healthcare services in the Hannover region.
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AGIK overcomes geographic barriers with Siilo

The German Society for Interventional Cardiology (AGIK) members use Siilo to securely discuss protocols and patient cases. Learn how AGIK keeps members engaged.
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Interview with Professor Felix Chun, Urology Director at University Hospital Frankfurt

Prof. Dr. Felix Chun discusses how Siilo has helped expand his referral network and lower the communication threshold with referring physicians.
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KAVA Pharmacists in better and more direct contact through Siilo

The Royal Pharmacists’ Association of Antwerp (KAVA) addresses inefficient communication to and between pharmacists via Siilo’s collaborative discussion tiles.
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Coordinating Altrio regional offices and home health nurses in the field with Siilo

Altrio regional coordinators use Siilo to facilitate patient transfers and follow-up communication between home health nurses in Belgium.
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Coordinating Altrio regional offices and home health nurses in the field with Siilo

Altrio regional coordinators use Siilo to facilitate patient transfers and follow-up communication between home health nurses in Belgium.
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How Buurtzorg health nurses efficiently exchange information through Siilo

Home care organisation Buurtzorg uses Siilo for efficient information exchange between nurses and healthcare professionals across the region.
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How Buurtzorg health nurses efficiently exchange information through Siilo

Home care organisation Buurtzorg uses Siilo for efficient information exchange between nurses and healthcare professionals across the region.
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How NHS Trust, St. George’s University Hospital Introduces Siilo to Enhance Team Communication

Learn how the Orthopaedics Department at St. George’s Hospital uses Siilo to connect medical teams and collaborate on patient cases.
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Siilo Messenger: Secure clinical collaboration across teams, networks and boundaries

Professors Eggebrecht and Nef recount the transformative effect that Siilo Messenger has had on both their clinical practice and their professional development.
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Siilo connects KNMP pharmacists across the Netherlands

Royal Dutch Pharmacists’ (KNMP) chat group Apothekers; Over de muren’ brings over 2.000 pharmacists together to solve everyday problems for their patients.
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200 doctors at your bedside

Since primary care doctors are under pressure to deliver for a growing and ageing population, they’re looking to technology to help reduce the burden of work.
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Faster and more cost effective care in hospitals

Mobile messaging is a common tool in medicine. Professionals in the UK know that a secure option is needed and are actively searching for a solution.
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Healthcare challenges require simple IT solutions

Healthcare professionals can confidently turn to Siilo as a secure alternative to WhatsApp for messenger use in a clinical setting.
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